Feb 9, 2022
No Lights, Sounds, Or Action? Your Car's Battery Is On A Hiatus!

Car batteries have no allegiance to their cars whatsoever, they are an autonomous unit of pure energy that can make or break your day, and they demand respect among the components under the hood. That is why battery service exists as a central part of car service.

At Mike Patton Honda, we have gone through countless rounds of servicing where the client couldn’t fathom that it was a faulty car battery all along that was killing the show. However, as your considerate car care providers, the least we can do is help you identify when your battery is about to go offline soon!

Battery Warning Lights

The first indicator is from your battery lights among the dashboard baubles. The underlying cause could be a conductivity issue, low electrolyte, or the battery has simply lived out its life. If your battery lights up mid-drive, put it in idle to inspect the battery visually. You can’t risk turning the car off, or it might not start again.

Difficult Ignition

It’s cold in Grantville, so your car will take a few selfs to start. However, if there is a slow turning, and you need more selfs than usual to get the car started, you might need to get your battery checked. Multiple selfs can potentially burn out your self-starter motor, so a push or jump-start are safer alternatives.

Lagging Electronics

Slow-moving power windows, faint headlights, dim dashboard, weak AC fan & malfunctioning dashboard electronics are confirmed signs of battery troubles. Even if you can’t find any visual fault with the battery, you should replenish the electrolyte with distilled water and keep track of your battery life. If the electronics continue to lag, you need your battery checked or replaced. Never invest in a used car battery!

Engorged Battery Case

If your engine has had overheating issues, it must have undoubtedly affected the battery & caused it to bulge from the deformation. That can become quite dangerous as the battery can potentially burst. Bulging cases can also leak chemical fluids that will damage surrounding components. Most of all, there is no coming back from a battery in that condition, so a replacement is a must.

Starter Or Alternator Issues

If there are car starter troubles, your battery might be suffering from low charge because of a faulty alternator. The alternator is like a dynamo; it converts the car’s mechanical energy to charge the battery for longer use. If damaged, your battery will simply not be getting the charge required to start the car every day. If your starter motor is shorted out or damaged from too many long selfs, that is another reason why your car is in dead mode.

Mike Patton Honda, serving chilly Grantville, GA, invites you over for our car service & maintenance program and allows you free rein to avail of our specials & OEM parts if you have a faulty alternator or starter motor. We’re a proud & accomplished establishment dealing in excellent new Honda & used car makes, so servicing is as natural to our mechanics as a fish in water!

Get on board for car service & battery check today!